Learn with Kathy

No matter where you are in your creative journey, the "figuring things out" part never really ends. There's always a new mountain to climb.

Creating classes and sharing my knowledge to help you reach your goals is truly one of the things that fulfills me most.

Helping others along on the paths I've already worn out at least a couple pairs of hiking boots on gives me a sense of fulfillment like nothing else! In my classes, I share practical, applicable information to help widen your knowledge base and to stoke your base of ideas to give you more freedom and confidence to elevate your skills! My classes give you good, actionable stuff you can use, no matter WHERE you are in your journey.

My classes are...

for those just starting out.

If you're a true beginner (Hi! come on in!) I'll show you the lay of the land and give you plenty that you can begin implementing right now.

for those more experienced.

You've been down the road awhile, and you're looking for some new strategies or ideas to use in your art business or creative life. I've got some cool things for you to try!

YOU set the pace for your learning. Learn on YOUR time and
on YOUR schedule.

Collectively, my classes average a 79% "Exceeds Expectations" rating from my Skillshare student base.

My classes deliver multi-faceted value. You'll take away "actionable" goodness no matter where you are in your personal journey!

Choose a class

Etsy P.O.D. for Artists: Personalize your P.O.D.

The biggest problem with using P.O.D. fulfillment in your shop is the fact that we're not the ones in control. The entire production-and-shipping cycle is out of our hands.

In this class, you’ll discover 4 key methods I use in my shop to successfully deliver an outstanding customer experience that kicks that lack of control to the CURB and that builds and nurtures customer relationships in ways that you might not think is possible when using P.O.D.! 



The P.O.D. Primer for Artists

 There’s a million different types P.O.D. companies, with more popping up every day. Which TYPE of P.O.D. aligns best with YOUR goals, values, and preferred way of doing things? In this class, I supply the resources and tools so you can answer that question for yourself!

Think of this class as your friendly tour guide through the wild P.O.D. jungle! 


Pitching Your Creative Concept for Products Pay What You Want

Are you an artist who is obsessed with creating characters and/or creative concepts with their own "universe"? Have you wondered how to pitch them to manufacturers?

Have you said to yourself, "WHERE do I START?"

In this class, I share how my character brands Cats@Work and Yoga Pals went from doodles I drew at my former full-time office job desk into full-fledged, licensed gift and greeting card lines with major manufacturers such as Demdaco, Enesco Gift, and Legacy Publishing. My hope is that this class helps YOU along on YOUR path.  



How To Make Hand-Drawn Gift Wrap with Recycled Paper

Wrapping a gift in hand-drawn gift wrap is like giving TWO gifts in one! In this class, I share my recipe for artful gift-wrap that I began developing over 20 years ago.

This is a fun, easy, CREATIVE project that pretty much ANYONE can do, and that EVERY recipient will surely LOVE.


When you take of my classes, you'll encounter fresh ideas and energy that will meet you exactly where you are at.

With more information, you gain confidence quicker.

With more tools at your disposal, you make progress quicker.... and ultimately, your understanding and skills will grow faster!

There's truly nothing better than watching you bloom!

Site contents © 2024 Kathy Weller Art + Ideas